
The video marketing trends for SMEs in 2024 include short videos, user-generated content, educational videos, live streams, personalization, shoppable videos, and AR/VR technologies. Tools like Vidooly, TubeBuddy, Topaz Video Enhance AI, Otter.ai, StreamYard, and SeekXR optimize these processes. Storimake combines advanced technology and human talent to offer effective and personalized video marketing solutions. Learn more at Storimake.

Video marketing continues to grow in importance for SMEs, especially with technological advancements and new content consumption habits. At Storimake, we understand the importance of combining technological innovation with human talent to offer effective and personalized solutions. Here are the key video marketing trends for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in 2024.

1. Short and To-the-Point Videos

Short videos remain a dominant trend. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts have shown that users prefer concise and entertaining content. This format is effective for quickly grabbing attention and delivering clear, direct messages.

For SMEs, creating short videos is an excellent way to showcase products, announce promotions, and connect with the audience quickly and effectively. Additionally, editing tools like Vidooly and TubeBuddy can help optimize these videos for greater reach and engagement. According to a study by HubSpot, 64% of consumers make a purchase after watching a brand’s video on social media.

For more on the effectiveness of short videos, check out our article on Apple’s marketing strategies and how they have implemented this trend.

2. User-Generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content is becoming a powerful marketing tool. Consumers trust recommendations and experiences from other users more than traditional ads. Encouraging UGC through contests, specific hashtags, and collaborations can increase the authenticity and credibility of a brand.

By incentivizing customers to share their experiences and opinions about products or services, SMEs can create a loyal and active community. Additionally, UGC is more authentic and cost-effective, reducing the need for continuous content creation. According to a report by Stackla, 79% of people say UGC influences their purchasing decisions.

For more on how to highlight quality content, check out our article on quality content.

3. Educational Videos and Tutorials

Educational content is highly valued by consumers looking to learn new skills or information about products and services. SMEs can create tutorials and informational videos that not only promote their products but also add value to their audience.

For example, a cosmetics SME can create makeup tutorials showing how to use their products effectively. Platforms like Otter.ai can facilitate the creation of scripts and subtitles for these videos, enhancing accessibility and reach. These videos can also rank well in search engines, attracting additional organic traffic.

For more useful video creation tools, visit our article on video tools for businesses.

4. Live Streams and Webinars

Live streaming and webinars offer an interactive way to connect with the audience in real-time. These tools allow SMEs to showcase their expertise, answer questions live, and build a sense of community. Consumers value the authenticity and immediacy of live streams, which can increase trust and loyalty to the brand.

Services like StreamYard or Zoom are excellent options for conducting professional live streams and effective webinars. Additionally, live streams can be reused as recorded content for future use, maximizing the return on investment in content creation.

For more strategies on boosting your brand with video marketing, read our article on video marketing.

5. Personalized Content

Personalization in video marketing is becoming essential. Consumers expect content that resonates with their specific interests and needs. SMEs can use data and analytics to create specific content that resonates with different audience segments.

For example, an online fashion store can personalize its videos to showcase different styles according to user preferences. Tools like Topaz Video Enhance AI help improve video quality, ensuring personalized content looks professional and appealing. According to Epsilon, 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences.

For more on the importance of personalization and how to apply it, check out our article on personalized marketing.

6. Shoppable Videos

Shoppable videos allow users to buy products directly from the video. This trend is growing rapidly, as it combines entertainment and commerce in a seamless and engaging way. Implementing shoppable videos can significantly increase conversion rates and sales for SMEs.

Platforms like Instagram and Facebook already offer direct shopping functionalities from videos, allowing businesses to tag products and facilitate purchases without leaving the app. This trend is especially useful during product launch campaigns or special promotions.

To learn more about integrating these strategies, read our article on cost-effective video production.

7. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR and VR are opening new possibilities in video marketing. These technologies enable immersive experiences that can enhance customer interaction with the brand. From trying products virtually to virtual store tours, AR and VR offer innovative ways to capture consumer attention.

For SMEs, implementing AR and VR may seem challenging due to costs and complexity, but with technological advancements, these solutions are becoming more accessible and affordable. Companies like SeekXR offer AR and VR platforms that can be easily integrated into existing marketing strategies.

For more details on how technology can transform your marketing strategy, check out our article on Red Bull’s marketing strategy.

8. Data Analysis and Content Optimization

Using data analytics to optimize video content is a growing trend. SMEs can use analytical tools to better understand how users interact with their videos, which content performs best, and how future productions can be improved.

Tools like Vidooly and TubeBuddy provide detailed analytics on video performance, including metrics like watch time, retention rate, and engagement. This information is invaluable for adjusting and refining video marketing strategies, ensuring each video reaches its maximum potential.

To learn more about using data analysis in your video marketing strategy, visit our article on content strategies for tourism.


Video marketing in 2024 will be marked by innovation and personalization. SMEs that adopt these trends and use advanced technological tools will have a significant competitive advantage. At Storimake, we are committed to helping SMEs leverage these trends through video marketing solutions that combine cutting-edge technology with creative talent.

Ready to take your video marketing strategy to the next level? Join Storimake today and discover how we can help you stand out. Visit us at www.storimake.com and start today.